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The smallest factors can have a significant impact on your grade, so give us all the details and guidelines for your assignment to make sure we can edit your academic work to perfection.
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Track the status of your essay from your personal account. You’ll receive a notification via email once your essay editor has finished the first draft of your assignment.
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We value the honor code and believe in academic integrity. Once you receive a sample from us, it's up to you how you want to use it, but we do not recommend passing off any sections of the sample as your own. Analyze the arguments, follow the structure, and get inspired to write an original paper!
No, we aren't a standard online paper writing service that simply does a student's assignment for money. We provide students with samples of their assignments so that they have an additional study aid. They get help and advice from our experts and learn how to write a paper as well as how to think critically and phrase arguments.
Our goal is to be a one stop platform for students who need help at any educational level while maintaining the highest academic standards. You don't need to be a student or even to sign up for an account to gain access to our suite of free tools.
Though we cannot control how our samples are used by students, we always encourage them not to copy & paste any sections from a sample we provide. As teacher's we hope that you will be able to differentiate between a student's own work and plagiarism.
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